Ella's Page
Kitten Photos & Cat Photos
** Ella Goes Missing UPDATE ** - On August 9th 2007 Ella left home one evening and didn't come back the next day. As this was very unusual of Ella, we immediately set about posting leaflets through local street doors, and searching the area. After a number of sightings came to nothing (you wouldn't believe how many cats fit Ella's description), we advertised in the local press. 3 Weeks passed by and we had just started to loose any hope of ever finding Ella, when one evening we received a call from a Vet surgery some 20 miles from our home. Earlier that day someone handed in a cat, which the Vets had scanned for a microchip. The chip was found and returned our contact information. After a 50 minute drive, Ella was safely back in our possesion. She received 2 weeks of treatment, and had lost a lot of weight but other than that she is now 100% her normal self! - A happy ending which we never expected, and a very good reason to ensure your Pets are microchipped! How she ever got that far from home? something we may never know...
Ella is our British short haired female domestic house cat, or moggy if you like. She is 20 years, and 8 months old
and very much still a kitten at heart. She was one of a litter of five, three males and two females born and then abandoned by their owners.
We came by Ella through a local voluntary-run organisation which find
homes for unwanted or abandoned kittens and cats.
We love Ella to bits, and often shower her with gifts, presents, toys, games, gadgets, gizmos you name it. She was very lucky
to get lot's of her own Christmas presents this year, including cat nip, socks, mice, and a fishing rod - with a mouse on the end. I
think we had more fun with this one though.
Text is continued down the page after the kitten photos and cat photos gallery.....
Kitten photos and cat photos of Ella Gallery
All kitten photos and cat photos expand to 1024 x 768 desktop wallpapers
All kitten photos and cat photos of Ella are copyright Fuzzup 2005
We choose Ella as she was the smallest and cutest of the litter, and had
really nice facial features. After bringing her home she just hid under our side boards for almost a week, only venturing
out to eat and poop! If memory serves me correct she was only about 6 weeks old at this time.
I think it took about 4 weeks before she came round to the idea of us, and started to play with, instead of running away from
other people. During the entire time Ella has been living with us, she has only ever had one 'toilet incident', which I think
is pretty good going. For Ella's age she is still really tiny, and we do not believe she is going to grow much more than she
is now. This is why I say she is still a kitten at heart.
Ella is treated very special within our household by one and all, and is every much a part of the family. When she is not sleeping
in her basket, or in front of the window then she likes to be the center of attention. She does not like playing with any
store brought cat toys, instead favours pens, blankets, table cloths, and her scratch pole. Her favourite activities include
chasing a mini radio controlled car around the kitchen, and running after a laser pointer dot.
I hope you like and enjoy our little website, please feel free to use the photographs above for your Windows desktop wallpapers.
You may also want to visit our kitten videos page and leave us some feedback. Just for fun we have also hidden
3 extra kitten photos, cat photos somewhere on this site, see if you can find them. Don't forget to signup for our
newsletter, you can do so by entering you email address in the box in the top right corner of this page.
If you would like to help Ella's Page grow bigger. We would really appreciate you placing a link to us on your own website, or blog.
You can cut and paste the text link code below, directly into your webpage source code. If you would prefer, we also have some graphical links below too. Many thanks!
All kitten photos and cat photos of Ella are copyright Fuzzup 2005 & Cyclops Interactive Developments and may not be reproduced in any way without prior written consent. If you wish to use any of these kitten or cat photos please contact us: